Page 001 | Express Company Centers (Marysville, Yreka) 2017-05-19T12:04:57+00:00

Express Company Centers  (Marysville, Yreka)

Express Company Centers (Marysville, Yreka)

Expr. Co’s CentersMarysville

At Marysville Cal – in the gold (???) Feather (???) watershed region embracing (???), Nevada, Yuba, (???), Butte, Tenmas and other portions of northern counties of Cal – The (???) of the larger companies such as Adams, W. F., Greogory’s, Freeman’s and the Pacific ended. A number of smaller concerns were connected these (???) were: Anthony’s, Becher & Co, Chase’s, Cram Rodgers & Co, (?)ownicville & Howland Flat, Dearing & Co, Eva(?)s, Snell & Co, Greathouse & Slner, Hogan & Co, Hoppinson’s, Langton, La Porte, Mann & Co, MoBean & Co, Oreville & Quincy, Pauley N.V. Tullips, Jack & Henry, Tanley & Nohrman’s, Rhodes & Lusk, Rhodes & Whitney, Rollins, Rum(?) & Co, Taggart’s, Tinnena Owen’s, Tracy & Co, Wells & Co, Whiting’s etc.


Starting point of the

San Juan & Humbug Expr
Deadwood Camp Expr
Greenhorn Gulch Expr – all pony expresses