Page 108 | Barnard’s Express, Notes On Frank Types 2017-05-23T19:23:11+00:00

Barnard’s Express, Notes On Frank Types

Barnard’s Express, Notes On Frank Types

Connecting with W.F. & Co.
1858 – 1863

Express to towns in Washington Territory & Br. Col.

TYPE I. A ribbon scroll 53 x 35 m., with partly shaded lines, on ordinary envelopes white, buff and blue. The ends of the scroll are        pointed and turn out at top and bottom. 4 line inscription. At left of top is the word PAID; through the middle of scroll is BARNARD’S with BRITISH COLUMBIA below; at right on lower end of ribbon is EXPRESS.
With the exception of BRITISH COLUMBIA, all words are in double lined type.

Below the scroll are various inscriptions, indicating localities, of which 8 are known:

  1. Barkerville and Victoria a
  2. Victoria and Yale 6 on ord. white envelope with frank at left
  3. Barkerville c
  4. Yale (in large type a
  5. Yale (in small type) e
  6. Quesnelle 4
  7. Way 3
  8. Victoria and New Westminster on ord. buff envelope
  9. Barnard’s Br. Col. frank at left with W.F. & Co No 5 below which online: Victoria, Vancouver Island

TYPE II. Type set in two straight lines “Paid Barnard’s Express Columbia River via Yale B.C.” Color black

TYPE III. Wells, Fargo & Co.s Frank reading OVER OUR CALIFORNIA AND COAST ROUTES under which os a type set inscription of 66 m. in two lines, rendering PAID — BARNARD’S EXPRESS in very heavy type, below which is COLUMBIA RIVER via YALE, B.C. in fine type.

TYPE IV. Type set inscription in two lines: “BARNARDS’S EXPRESS, Wrangel, with W. F. & Co VICTORIA V. I. frank at end
Barnard’s Cariboo Express is a local. Established Nov. 1861 is still in operation